Try this delicious cocktail from Soi!
1oz Bourbon
.5oz Cognac
.5oz Pear Brandy
1tsp Cinnamon Syrup
.5tsp Ginger Syrup
2-3 dashes Bitters
Method: Stir / Strain
Glassware: Double Rocks w/ Hand Cut Ice
Garnish: Lemon & Orange Swath
Cinnamon Syrup - Set immersions circulator to 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Measure 20g of well-broken cinnamon sticks, .2g of kosher salt, 500g of white sugar, and 500g of filtered water. Add all items to vacuum sealed bag and cook for 2 hours taking time to gently massage the mixture in 30 minute intervals and incorporate all ingredients together into a syrup. Strain broken cinnamon through a Superbag or chinois.
**Ginger Syrup - Using a centrifugal or masticating juicer, juice ginger. Measure ginger juice in weight by grams. Measure two times the weight of the ginger juice in white sugar and add juice and sugar to blender. Blend on high for 4-5 minutes.